HINNA with a partnership of NRC has constructed 100 (50 Blocks) Emergency Latrines and placing 50 Empty Metallic Drums (Half-cut) for garbage disposal at each block (2 latrines). On 15 May to 25 June 2015 in Sarkus area on Daynile district . NRC in combination with HINNA identified female headed households, particularly widowed, separated and divorced women, with children and dependents under the age of 18, large families with more than 6 children under the age of 18, families with disabled members and elderly headed households with minors in their care as having the highest unmet sanitation needs. The total numbers of beneficiaries for this project were approximately 3000 people.
This project was given priority to the families with no pit latrines and Special considerations were given to female-headed families, families who lost their bread-winning parent, elderly and those with disabilities. The target groups benefited greatly as they obtained new latrines which is a way to reduce poor healthiness. Currently the open defecation are abridged among the targeted camps, since access to hygiene and sanitation facilities for IDPs in the targeted camps are improved, as well as the outbreak diseases from the poor sanitation are condensed.
However, the impact of the project on the target people has positive outcome since the targeted IDPs in Sarkus are improved their sanitation conditions , in other way it has positive outcome to the regional and country level. While this project has helped and addressed 500 HH (3000) whose the most vulnerable victims of poor sanitation.